The State of MSK Report Infographics
Infographic stating, ‘1 in 6 people in the UK have arthritis’.
Infographic on arthritis, MSK conditions and wider health- including obesity.
Infographic on the cost of working days lost due to Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Infographic showing the prevalence of long-term MSK conditions by ethnicity.
Infographic on MSK conditions, hospital admissions and interactions with GPs.
Infographic on MSK conditions in people with multiple long-term conditions.
Infographic stating, ‘1 in 3 current UK employees have a long-term health condition’.
Infographic on regular physical activity reducing people’s risk of developing MSK conditions.
Infographic stating, ‘Over 20 million people in the UK live with an MSK condition’.
Infographic on how many years lived with disability are accounted for by MSK conditions.