Knee scans
Suprapatellar longitudinal scan
Watch our video for healthcare professionals which demonstrates a suprapatellar longitudinal scan. The transducer is placed longitudinally in the midline.
Suprapatellar transverse scan in neutral position
Watch a video of a suprapatellar transverse scan in neutral position. See quadriceps tendon in cross-section, associated prefemoral fat pads and femur.
Infrapatellar longitudinal scan
Watch a video of infrapatellar longitudinal scan. By moving the probe inferiorly, the patellar ligament is followed to its insertion on the tibial tuberosity.
Infrapatellar transverse scan
Watch a video of the infrapatellar transverse scan of the knee. The transducer is placed transversely 1–2 cm below the inferior pole of the patella.
Suprapatellar longitudinal scan in maximal flexion
Watch a video of a suprapatellar longitudinal scan in maximal flexion. Maximal flexion allows better inspection of the cartilage on the femoral condyle.
Suprapatellar transverse scan in maximal flexion
Watch a video of a suprapatellar transverse scan in maximal flexion. Maximal flexion allows better inspection of the cartilage on the femoral condyle.
Lateral transverse scan of the knee
Watch our healthcare professional video of the lateral transverse scan of the knee. The patella and femoral condyle are visualised from the midpatellar level.
Lateral longitudinal scan of the knee
Watch a healthcare professional video of the lateral longitudinal knee scan. See skin, subcutaneous fat, lateral collateral ligament, femur and tibia.
Medial longitudinal scan of the knee
Watch a video of the medial longitudinal scan of the knee. See subcutaneous fat, hyperechoic superficial medial lateral collateral ligament, femur and tibia.
Medial transverse scan of the knee
Watch our video for healthcare professionals which demonstrates a medial transverse scan of the knee. The patient lies supine with the knee in neutral position.
Posterior medial longitudinal scan of the knee
Watch a video of a posterior medial longitudinal scan of the knee. The femoral condyle with hypoechoic cartilage is seen and the transducer is moved inferiorly.
Posterior lateral longitudinal scan of the knee
Watch a video of a posterior lateral longitudinal scan of the knee. The curvature of the femoral condyle is visible with tibia below and overlying musculature.
Posterior transverse scan of the knee
Watch a video of the posterior transverse scan of the knee. Skin, subcutaneous fat, musculature, femoral artery and vein, and medial femoral condyle are seen.