Find out what’s going on in your area
Find out what support is available near you by following our local social media accounts or getting in touch with our Nations teams.
Young People
Reach out to our Young People and Families team in Wales by email.
Check out our Twitter page for Young People in Wales.
Discover our Instagram page for young people in Wales.
You can also keep up to date with the service through the main Cymru Versus Arthritis Facebook Page.
Northern Ireland
Young people
Reach out to our Young People and Families team in Northern Ireland by email.
Instagram (Public)
Discover our Instagram page for young people in Northern Ireland.
Facebook (Public)
Take a look at our public Facebook page for young people in Northern Ireland.
Private groups
We have a private Instagram page and Facebook group for young people in Northern Ireland. For more information and to join, please email
Facebook for Parents (Public)
Take a look at our Facebook page which is specifically for parents who have children with arthritis.
Facebook for Parents (Private)
We have a private Facebook group for parents of young people with arthritis in Northern Ireland. For more information and details of how to join, please email
Young People
Reach out to our Young People and Families team in Scotland by email.
Discover our Instagram page for young people in Scotland.
Facebook (Public)
Check out our Facebook page for Young People in Scotland.
Facebook (Private)
We have a private Facebook Group for Young People in Scotland you can request to join.