Help create our Involvement Standards

When: Tuesday 2nd July 2024, 5.30pm-6.30pm

Where: Online - Microsoft Teams meeting

We want you to shape how Involvement is done at Versus Arthritis. By creating a set of Involvement Standards, we can ensure that our colleagues, researchers and healthcare professionals have the same expectation and understanding when it comes to involving people in their work.

Our research partners and our Young People's Panel have had their chance to say how these standards will look, and we now need our Involvement Network members to have their input!

The online session will last an hour and will be hosted by Gemma Winsor, Research Involvement Manager, and Emily Wain, Involvement Officer.

Whether you have been a member for years or a few weeks, we would love to hear from you. Please fill in your details on the below form and we will send you the invite.

We look forward to seeing you there.


Register for the session here