Leave a gift in your will
If you have any questions, Gill and Anna in our Gifts in Wills and In Memory team are here to help. Get in touch by phone on 0300 790 0406 or by email at giftsinwills@versusarthritis.org
Please remember we are here for you. If you have questions or may be struggling, find out more about the different ways we’re here to help.
Why leave a gift in your will to Versus Arthritis?
Over 75% of the funds we rely on come from these special gifts. Hear from supporters who are choosing to defy arthritis with a gift in their will.
How to include us in your will
Read about how we can support you through our free will services and download our useful guide to leaving a gift.
Types of gifts you can leave
Learn about the different types of gifts people choose to leave. Each one can make a lasting impact to our work and to the lives of people with arthritis.
I’m an executor. Who can I speak to?
If you’re administering an estate that includes a gift to Versus Arthritis, we’re here to help you through the process.
Frequently asked questions
Read people's frequently asked questions about leaving a gift to Versus Arthritis in their Will, including how to update your Will and whether gifts are taxed.
A journey to defy arthritis
Thanks to very special gifts like yours, new ways to treat, manage and live with the pain of arthritis are being uncovered every day.
Related information
Request our free guide to leaving a gift
Inside, you’ll find useful information about our work, the difference a gift like yours could make and information about the will writing process.
Get in touch
If you have a question or would like to speak to someone about leaving a gift in your will, we would love to hear from you.