Why Anish is running the London Marathon for his good friend James

13 April 2023

The London Marathon is fast approaching, which means that crossing that iconic finish line will soon become a reality for our wonderful fundraisers. 

One of these fundraisers is 28-year-old Anish, who is running for Versus Arthritis. He feels a close connection to the cause as his good friend James has rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.

Anish and James have been friends since secondary school, and their friendship is one of mutual respect, support – and trouble making! The two have stuck by each other during challenging times and are each other’s number one fans.   

We caught up with Anish and James to learn more about their friendship and what this incredible race means to them both. 

Becoming friends

Anish and James on holiday

Anish and James have been friends for a long time. They met at secondary school making mischief and have stayed close ever since.

“We were typically the ones who had a laugh in class”, says Anish. “We got up to a lot of no good and messed around a lot.” 

“I can’t really remember our first contact but there was an instant click there”, agrees James. “We just got each other.” 

Despite going to different universities and James spending periods of time travelling, James and Anish have stayed close.

“You have some friends where you really have to try hard, but even if we haven’t seen each other for months, it’s like it’s just yesterday”, says James. “Whatever stage of life we’re at, nothing ever changes. It’s very consistent.” 

Travelling together 

Anish and James have travelled together, which is something that often comes with challenges when you have arthritis. “We did the classic Zante and Kavos trip after school finished and then a more serious cultured holiday to Krakow a bit later”, says Anish. 

The trip to Krakow, in particular, holds significance in their friendship. “It was the first time I’d travelled with my diagnoses”, reveals James. “I was on crutches then because I’d just got diagnosed. 

I felt comfortable going with Anish because I knew he wouldn’t have judged me if I wasn’t feeling able to do certain things. Having compassion and understanding is really important. That open mindedness meant a lot to me, and it still does. 

Running for Versus Arthritis  

Being friends with James has made Anish a lot more aware of arthritis. Seeing the difficulties James has experienced and how he has overcome them inspired Anish to run the London Marathon for Versus Arthritis.   

“When James got diagnosed, it was shocking to see the impact that it had on his life”, says Anish. “It’s not something you associate with fit, healthy people like James. He was always really active, and we played football together at school – although it wasn’t as much playing as it was kicking each other! 

“I took up running during covid – it was like an escape. I started to push myself and I applied for the London Marathon. I was thinking about who I’d do it for, and I thought about James.

"Versus Arthritis is a charity that does a lot of good for a lot of people who maybe aren’t that highly represented. I really connected with it and I want to raise as much money as I can. I’m confident I’ll be able to hit my fundraising target.  

“Training is going well. I’m feeling ready and following a plan. I’m not making every run, but I think that’s natural. I haven’t thought too much about the finish line but I’m sure it’ll be a really good feeling when I get there!”  

What does it mean to James? 

Anish and James on holiday

James was incredibly moved when he found out that Anish was running for Versus Arthritis.

“I’ve done some fundraising for Versus Arthritis before and Anish has supported me, but I’m proper touched to see he’s doing something so big for a cause that has affected me so much”, says James.

“It’s not even like he’s baking cakes; he’s doing a full marathon. He’ll be walking like me [after a significant flare up] in 2019 after. He can borrow my crutches!” 

Of course, James will be supporting Anish during the London Marathon. “I’ll be there on the day”, he says. “I want to do something for him too, because it’s a lot. I was gonna see if I can run from my house to the finish line. It’s about 7 miles but I’m not sure if the road closures will be a problem. We’ll see if I can make it happen!”  

Maintaining friendships when you have arthritis  

While Anish and James’ friendship has stayed consistently strong, managing a condition like arthritis can be testing on friendships. James has experienced this first-hand.

“There will be times where I have to cancel plans last minute because it’s so unpredictable”, he says. “There are some people who think you’re a bit of a let-down. I’ve had to cut people off who don’t understand.” 

But James and Anish don’t have this problem. “I’ve had three major times where my arthritis has messed with my life”, says James. “My rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis, my ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis and then when it was Covid and I had to shield. Each time, Anish was the first person to come and check on me.  

“I remember leaving the house on crutches and meeting Anish for one of the first times. Another time, when I came back from China, he came over and we just sat on the sofa. I didn’t like people seeing me in that state, but I needed people to chat to. I really appreciated that.” 

How to support a friend who has arthritis  

There are many people out there who might want to support a friend who has arthritis, but simply don’t know how. Anish has some excellent advice.  

“The most important thing is just to listen to people and see what they need”, says Anish. “I think each person is quite different with arthritis; not everyone has the same condition and severity. It varies, so just listen. That’s the best advice I can give.” 

Fundraising for Versus Arthritis   

We can’t wait to cheer on Anish and our other wonderful fundraisers on April 23rd, and we’re incredibly grateful to all our runners. If you’re running for Versus Arthritis, read our expert race day tips.

If running isn’t for you, there are plenty of other ways to fundraise with us. Get your guide to fundraising for more information.   

If you have any questions about how you can get involved, the team are here to help. For more information, get in touch on fundraising@versusarthritis.org.