Research Call: We’re investing £1 million in Translational MSK research

10 July 2024

We're excited to announce that our Translational call 2025 will open for outline applications on 4 September 2024. 

We’ll be offering up to £200k for projects up to 24 months duration that demonstrate a clear commercial solution to a musculoskeletal clinical need. 

Find out more about this call

What research do we want to fund?

This call is seeking to support high-quality, well-defined Proof of Concept projects that aim to develop a commercially viable technology that will address a clear unmet clinical need for people with arthritis. 

The funding should advance technologies along the developmental pathway leading to further investment and/or development by industry. It is expected that proposed projects will have been developed to a stage where further validation of the technical, market or commercial concept is required to attract commercial investment. 

This translational research call cuts across all aspects of our research strategy and applicants can submit projects which address any of our priority areas: 

  • Early Detection and Prevention
  • Targeted Treatment
  • Living Well

Which areas of innovation are we funding?

 We are seeking to fund projects in the following technology areas:

  • Medical devices
  • Orthotics
  • Implantable therapeutic delivery
  • Diagnostics
  • Imaging technologies
  • Cell therapy and regenerative medicine
  • Novel therapeutics (small molecules or biologics)

To be eligible for this call applicants are expected to have completed all fundamental or underpinning research required to understand the basic principles of the technology and develop the concept (Technology Readiness Level [TRL] 1 and 2 where relevant). The technology should be in a position where the next required step is to show preclinical Proof of Concept (TRL 3 and beyond). 

Projects must have a clear commercial route and truly address an unmet clinical need for people with arthritis. They should be milestone driven with a clear delivery plan. 

Read the call document to find out more

Interested in applying?

Applications to the Translational 2025 scheme will be via a two-stage process. The first stage of this call will be opening on 4 September 2024 where we’ll be looking for initial outlines of your project. Outline applications will undergo panel review by technical experts and people with lived experience. Those who are successful at this stage will be invited to submit a full application by 12 March 2025. 

See the application deadlines here


For further enquiries about this funding scheme, please contact