Versus Arthritis Research Consortia Webinar available to watch now!

29 May 2024
A researcher sat next to a window working.

Over the next 3 years Versus Arthritis will be investing £18 million in 6 Research Consortia. These consortia will tackle some of the biggest challenges in arthritis research. We recently hosted a webinar to share more information about this investment. If you could not attend or would like to watch the webinar back you can access the recording below:

Watch our webinar here!

What did we discuss at the webinar?

During the session, we heard from Professor Lucy Donaldson, Director of Research and Health Intelligence, and Dr Sarah Rudkin, Head of Research Strategy and Growth. They provided insights into the research areas these consortia will focus on, the application process, and timelines for submissions. There was also a Q&A where we answered questions from our research community. If you have any questions that weren’t covered in this section then please contact us at

View Slides Here (5.4 mbs)

What other funding do we have?

This financial year we are planning to invest £15.5million into research projects across all 4 of our research strategy priority areas. This includes our first two research consortia, in Clinical Epidemiology and Inflammatory Arthritis.

If you want to find out more about our funding calls then head to our Types of Grant page which has all the information you need to apply for funding with us.

We’re hosting a Theory of Change information session at 1pm on Thursday 27 June for those interested in applying for the consortia calls. Please contact to sign up for the session or find out more.