Musculoskeletal Calculator
Versus Arthritis has partnered with Imperial College London to develop the Musculoskeletal Calculator, a prevalence modelling tool for musculoskeletal conditions.
Find Clinical Commissioning Group data
Clinical Commissioning Group data for osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip and knee, back pain and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for England and Scotland.
Find Local Authority data
Local Authority data for osteoarthritis (OA) of the hip and knee, back pain and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for England and Scotland.
MSK Calculator FAQ
We've partnered with Imperial College London to develop the Musculoskeletal Calculator, a tool designed to estimate how many people have a MSK condition.
Download full MSK Calculator datasets
Download the musculoskeletal (MSK) calculator data sets for the prevelance of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and back pain in England and Scotland.
Other resources where the MSK Calculator is available
Public Health England’s Fingertips
The aim of this tool is to provide meaningful data, on a single platform, to enable the commissioning of high value musculoskeletal services. Musculoskeletal data is essential for understanding the health needs of local populations, the amount of people accessing services, the cost of services and the outcomes services deliver.
NHS RightCare’s focus packs
Our focus packs provide detailed information on the highest spending programmes, including musculoskeletal services. The packs include a wider range of outcome measures and information on the most common procedures and diagnoses for the condition in question. They help CCGs begin work on phase two of the NHS RightCare approach ‘What to Change’ by using indicative data to identify improvement opportunities.