Information for Versus Arthritis Researchers
We believe that the research we fund has the power to change lives. We are proud to have funded the research activities of thousands of investigators from across the UK. We’re here to support you as we work together for a future free from arthritis.
Here you will find all the information you need to manage your awards. Find out how we evaluate the impact of our funded research and see how we ensure lived experience is at the heart of our research.
Managing your award
Gain insights into how to manage your Versus Arthritis research award covering - invoicing, payments, budget requests, virements, extension requests, costed extensions, supplements and suspensions.
Reporting your research progress and impact
To help researchers understand the value of reporting to Versus Arthritis to monitor research progress, outputs and outcomes. This enables us to monitor research investments and understand our impact. Find information about our requirements and tools including Researchfish, Europe PMC (EPMC) and Grant Tracker.
Tell us about your publications
Are you advancing arthritis research? Notify Versus Arthritis of your upcoming publications and maximise your impact. Share your publication and contribute to the global fight against arthritis by ensuring your research is seen.
Open access and travel support
Versus Arthritis are committed to ensuring the knowledge and discoveries which result from our research are available freely and immediately for the benefit of all. See our guidance for how to apply for open access support, and travel support.