Tell us about your publications

What do we need from our researchers?

It is essential we make arthritis visible and promote the research that we fund.  

We need to be informed as soon as research has been accepted for publication and for you to share pre-publication manuscripts and any other relevant materials, such as a lay summary, with us. In addition, we need to know ahead of time if you are presenting at a conference or taking part in a public engagement event. 

For further information about what you need to do when a paper has been accepted for publication, you can download our pre-publication guide (PDF, 2.97 MB). This provides a step-by-step guide to the process for promoting your research. 

This information should be sent to your research programme manager or awards operations officer. If you don’t know who they are, please email and the information will be sent to the relevant contacts. 

Why do we need the information before publication?

Being notified early on, before publication or before the event has taken place, allows us time to review the information and determine the best route for each individual piece of research. This could include the development of a news story for the website, press release, social media post, or to provide information for other teams across the charity. The more we know about your research, at the earliest date possible, the more we can help you to promote it. 

We also need prior warning of any communications your institution plans on releasing about your research. Your institution’s communications team should liaise with our communications team ( All communications about your research must acknowledge the source(s) of funding, including the grant number where applicable. 

Please be reassured that any information you send to us before publication will be kept confidential while under embargo, and we will let you know, and work closely with you, if we are going to communicate about your work externally. 

Further information

More detailed information on our dissemination and publicity requirements can be found in your Conditions of Award. Please ensure you check which Conditions your award is subject to for more information. 

For any queries, please email the research team on