Progress Review Committee


The Progress Review Committee (PRC) monitors progress of studies that are recruiting human participants.  Clinical study award holders are expected to submit a 6 monthly progress report in terms of regulatory approvals, recruitment/follow up and spend. Further interim reports may be requested where necessary.  

The Progress Review Committee, alongside the Expert Committees, provides opinion on requests for supplemental funding or material changes to the studies before consideration by the Charity Executive.  


  • Dr Sarah Kingsbury, University of Leeds, Chair 
  • Robin Brittain, Versus Arthritis Research Partner 
  • Professor Michael Ehrenstein, University College London 
  • Professor Melanie Holden, Keele University 
  • Dr Mark Lunt, University of Manchester 
  • Professor Terence O’Neill, University of Manchester 
  • Professor Andrew Price, University of Oxford 
  • Jane Taylor, Versus Arthritis Research Partner 

Joining the progress review committee

To express an interest in joining the Progress Review Committee, please email  

Committee contact - Dr Enhad Chowdhury: