Early detection and targeted treatment 2025

Deadline: 16:00 Wednesday 18th September 2024

Costs: Between £100,000 to £1,200,000

Duration: Up to 60 months

Funding Decision: March 2025


We want to bring about more accurate and faster diagnosis and more timely, effective and targeted treatments, tailored to individuals, taking into consideration not just their genes but also the environment they live in. This call for applications for research funding focusses on two of the research priority areas from our Better Lives Today, Better Lives Tomorrow Research Strategy 2022-2026:

  • Early detection & prevention: spotting the biological signatures of arthritis early to maximise the opportunities for timely intervention and preventing it from getting worse
  • Targeted treatments: taking the guesswork out of treatment by increasing effective, reliable and timely drug and non-drug solutions to reduce, manage or cure disease

What are you looking for

The outcomes sought from this investment are progress toward:

  • better understanding and tools to identify markers of risk to enable proactive screening and early detection (secondary prevention) approaches
  • better tools and biomarkers to diagnose arthritis accurately and as rapidly as possible after symptoms begin
  • clinical and care pathways applying a precision medicine and holistic approach – accounting for individual variability in genes, environment and lifestyle and the management of pain, mental health and fatigue
  • more effective, safer treatments and ultimately cures, that work for more people
  • better tools to help decide the most appropriate treatments
  • better understanding of how different diseases can be most effectively tackled together

Who can apply?

  • The lead applicant must be based at an eligible UK institution.
  • One applicant must have a tenured position within the lead institute.

We welcome applications from fellows and lecturers who are looking to secure project support as a new investigator or mid-career researcher. Whilst there is no separate scheme or eligibility criteria, the panel will be asked to take career stage into account during the assessment process. 

Versus Arthritis has a new collaboration with the NIHR Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation (NIHR EME) programme, potentially considering applications seeking co-funding from both funders where projects address aspects relevant to this funding call and the remit of the NIHR EME programme. For applicants who have an interest in seeking this co-funding, it is essential that contact is made as early as possible with the Versus Arthritis team through awards@versusarthritis.org. 

For further information see the associated guidance document (PDF 327 KB).

What you can apply for?

  • Costs for salaries, expenses and small items of essential equipment can be requested.
  • Awards of up to 60 months duration, between £100,000-£1,200,000 in value are available.

We plan to invest around £4 million in different sized projects.

For further details on what you can apply for, please see the associated guidance document (PDF 327 KB).

How to apply

Applicants are invited to submit applications through Grant Tracker, where the form is available. 

There is a single stage application process for all applications.

Applicants must carefully read the call document (PDF 242 KB), application form and guidance documentation (PDF 327 KB) before starting an application.

Please ensure that the most appropriate language is being used in each section of the form and that the correct sections are completed. 

The deadline for the receipt of applications in 16:00 on Wednesday the 18th September, 2024. Please allow time for management of appropriate reviewers and signatories to access the Grant Tracker system and provide their approvals. Submissions after 16:00 will not be accepted. 

If you have any questions about the call, please email: awards@versusarthritis.org