Developing a system for measuring hip shape to look at the best treatments for hip diseases in childhood (ORCHID)

Disease - Osteoarthritis, osteonecrosis, other surgical techniques

Lead applicant - Professor Timothy Cootes

Organisation - University of Manchester

Type of grant - Project Grant

Status of grant - Active

Amount of the original award - £277,643.96

Start date - 1 March 2017

Reference - 21356

Public Summary

What are the aims of this research?

This research aims to develop a system to accurately measure the bones in the hip joint using X-ray images. By studying the X-rays and the clinical symptoms of people with two common hip diseases, both during childhood and in later life, they will develop methods to predict likely outcomes of the disease, and to choose the most appropriate treatment.

Why is this research important?

Hip deformities are painful disorders that affect 1 in 500 children. Children with hip deformities are more likely to develop osteoarthritis and often need hip replacement surgeries as young adults. In some cases, this hip replacement surgery could be avoided by treatment in childhood. Unfortunately, very little is known about the relationship between childhood, adolescent and adult hip shapes, making it difficult for doctors to know which children will go on to develop osteoarthritis as adults. This study will develop a tool that allow doctors to recognise which children are likely to develop osteoarthritis and would most benefit from treatment as early as possible.

How will the findings benefit patients?

This project will help researchers to get a better understanding of two childhood diseases affecting the hip. This research aims to create better ways to accurately measure the hip and the severity of these and other diseases affecting the hip joint. These measurements can be used to help predict future outcomes and allow doctors to select the best treatment for each child, reducing long-term pain and disability.