Uncovering a role for TRPM2 ion channels in rheumatoid arthritis pain

Disease - Rheumatoid arthritis, knee pain

Lead applicant - Dr. Xuming Zhang

Organisation - Aston University

Type of grant - Invited Research Award

Status of grant - Active

Amount of the original award - £79,005.78

Start date - 15 April 2019

Reference - 21971

Public Summary

What are the aims of this research?

Persistent pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis has a major impact on quality of life. The researchers will look at a protein called TRPM2, which is increased in cells found in the joint such as cartilage, nerve, immune cells and cells lining the joint in people with rheumatoid arthritis, to investigate whether this protein plays a role in rheumatoid arthritis pain.

Why is this research important?

There are currently few effective treatments for rheumatoid arthritis pain. This research is looking into the role of TRPM2 in rheumatoid arthritis pain for the first time. Therefore, results from this study could lead to new understanding of rheumatoid arthritis pain, as well as identifying potential new treatment approaches.

The researchers will see how not having TRPM2 either throughout the body or in joints affects how mice with rheumatoid arthritis feel pain associated with joint inflammation.

How will the findings benefit patients?

This research could lead to new discoveries into how pain in rheumatoid arthritis is caused and therefore how it could be treated. If the study finds a link between TRPM2 and rheumatoid arthritis pain, in the future, this could lead to potential new treatment approaches for pain.