Magnet therapy
It's been suggested that magnets (e.g. in a bracelet) can be helpful for pain relief. Learn its uses and side-effects when treating arthritis.
It's been suggested that magnets (e.g. in a bracelet) can be helpful for pain relief. Learn its uses and side-effects when treating arthritis.
Manipulative therapy (chiropractic and osteopathy) is mainly used for back, neck and joint problems. Learn its uses and side-effects when treating arthritis.
Massage can reduce anxiety, stress, muscle tension and fatigue as well as improve circulation. Learn its uses and side-effects when treating arthritis.
Meditative therapy (yoga, t'ai chi and qigong) focuses on posture and breathing to ease stress. Learn its uses and side-effects when treating arthritis.
MSM is rich in organic sulphur, an important ‘building block’ for healthy bones and joints. Learn its uses and side-effects when treating osteoarthritis.