Data and statistics
Find statistics on how common musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions are, and information on how they affect people.
The State of Musculoskeletal Health
The State of Musculoskeletal Health is a collection of the most up-to-date, UK-wide statistics on arthritis and other musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions.
The State of MSK Report Infographics
Infographics which visualise key findings from the state of MSK report.
National musculoskeletal health data group
A bi-annual event with the aim of creating a common forum to empower all those working on and with an interest in MSK-related data to come together.
Chronic pain in England: Unseen, unequal, unfair
We worked hard for musculoskeletal conditions to be recognised as a public health issue. This report builds on findings from the Health Survey for England 2017.
Musculoskeletal Calculator
A visual representation of the prevalence of MSK conditions across the UK.
MSK Data Advisory Group's response to mandate to NHS England for 17/18
To support NHS England in responding to the NHS Mandate 2017 to 2018, our advisory group has prioritised opportunities for data collection that will lead to better outcomes for people with musculoskeletal conditions.
Versus Arthritis Lived Experience Survey (VALES) FAQs
Frequently asked questions regarding the Versus Arthritis Lived Experience Survey (VALES)
Related informaton
Search our A-Z or type in the condition you'd like more information about, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, fibromyalgia and many more.
Healthcare professionals
Discover the latest news, guidance, resources and videos about MSK conditions and join our network for updates aimed at healthcare professionals and students.
Policy and public affairs
We're working with MPs and arthritis champions to change policies in MSK health. Learn how we're already making a difference and how you can get involved.
Campaign with us
We're working with politicians to take a stand against arthritis. Join us by taking action in our campaigns to end the pain for millions of people.
The latest Versus Arthritis updates on research, treatment and services from across the UK.