Shoulder scans
Anterior transverse scan of the shoulder in neutral position
Watch our video for healthcare professionals showing the anterior transverse scan of the shoulder in neutral position. The anterior aspect of the joint is seen.
Anterior longitudinal scan of the shoulder
Watch our video of an anterior longitudinal scan of the shoulder. The skin, subcutaneous fat, deltoid muscle fibres, biceps tendon and humerus are visualised.
Anterior transverse scan of the shoulder in maximal internal rotation
Watch a video for healthcare professionals which demonstrates an anterior transverse scan of the shoulder in maximal internal rotation. The shoulder is rotated.
Anterior longitudinal scan of shoulder in maximal internal rotation
Watch our video of the anterior longitudinal scan of the shoulder in maximal internal rotation. See deltoid muscle, subdeltoid bursa and supraspinatus tendon.
Shoulder impingement test
Watch a video of the shoulder impingement test. The supraspinatus tendon is clearly visualised with subdeltoid bursa above and coracoacromial ligament.
Acromioclavicular joint scan
Watch a video of the acromioclavicular joint scan. The skin, subcutaneous fat, acromioclavicular ligament, clavicle and acromion are clearly visualised.
Lateral longitudinal scan of the shoulder in neutral position
Watch our video of a lateral longitudinal scan of the shoulder in neutral position. See deltoid muscle, subdeltoid bursa, supraspinatus tendon and humerus.
Posterior transverse scan of the shoulder
Watch our video of a posterior transverse scan of the shoulder. See deltoid muscle, infraspinatus muscle and tendon, glenoid labrum, glenoid and humerus.