Who will treat you?
You might have to see several health professionals to look after all aspects of your care. The team itself may vary from hospital to hospital but may include any of the following:
Consultant rheumatologist
A consultant rheumatologist is a doctor who specialises in diagnosing and treating arthritis and related conditions.
General practitioner (GP)
General practitioners (GPs) treat common medical conditions and will make referrals to hospital if more specialist treatment or investigations are required.
Hand therapist
Hand therapists are occupational therapists or physiotherapists who are specialists in treating conditions affecting the hands, arms and shoulders.
Neurologists are specialists in disorders of the nervous system. Some neurologists also have expertise in particular areas, such as the immune system.
Occupational therapist
An occupational therapist works with people to help them with daily activities. This includes identifying practical techniques to improve quality of life.
Orthopaedic surgeon
Read about the role of your orthopaedic surgeon, how they specialise in particular procedures, diseases or areas of the body, and why you'd be referred.
An orthotist specialises in the use of devices (orthoses) such as braces and splints which provide support to arthritic joints and help to reduce pain.
A physiotherapist is an expert in assessing movement and they will provide tailored treatments to help relieve pain and encourage improved mobility.
Podiatrists are experts on diagnosing and treating problems with the feet and ankles, and some specialise specifically in arthritis and related conditions.
Psychologists have been trained to focus on people's feelings and motivations. By using different methods they'll help you to improve your daily life.
Rheumatology nurse specialist
A rheumatology nurse specialist has expert experience in looking after the needs of people with arthritis and related conditions.
Related information
Managing your pain
Pain can be a major symptom of arthritis. Find out about treatments, self-help and how to assess if your pain management is working.
Search our A-Z or type in the condition you'd like more information about, including rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, fibromyalgia and many more.
Types of complementary treatments
Learn about the different types of complementary treatment, how they could help your condition and possible risks.