Awards Funding Conflict of Interest Policy
1. Policy Statement
Versus Arthritis aims to select committee members and reviewers with appropriate expertise and experience to operate in an independent manner and without conflicts of interest. Wherever practical, we will address potential conflicts of interest with individuals during the invitation stage.
If an individual is concerned about a possible conflict of interest involving another member of a Versus Arthritis committee or panel, then they should raise the matter with Versus Arthritis staff as soon as possible. Versus Arthritis will review this policy every year.
The purpose of this document is to minimise the potential for conflicts of interest to arise in relation to awards review, and to protect Versus Arthritis and those associated with it from any perception, real or otherwise, that the external interests of individuals interfere with their ability to provide a fair process of review. Registering interests helps ensure that no relevant interest is accidentally left out when participating in discussions about funding and strategy.
This policy relates to:
- All areas of business and to all members (permanent and guest) of the charity’s committees and groups associated with awards.
- The management of conflicts of interests of external peer reviewers providing written reviews for funding applications
2. Rationale
Versus Arthritis supports the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) Principles of Peer Review throughout all award making and abide by the five basic principles:
- Accountability: Charities must be open and transparent about their peer review procedures and publish details, including the names of members of scientific advisory panels or other decision-making bodies.
- Balance: Scientific advisory panels must reflect a fair balance of experience and scientific disciplines.
- Independent decision making: The scientific advisory panel must be independent of the charity's administrative staff and trustees.
- Rotation of scientific advisers: Scientific advisory panel members must have a fixed term of office and not have tenure.
- Impartiality: Scientific advisory panels must include a significant number of non-beneficiaries. There must be a conflict-of-interest policy and potential beneficiaries should not be present when decisions are made.
3. Making it Happen
Assessment of disclosed interests
Versus Arthritis is regulated by the Charity Commission and are therefore required to ensure it meet their requirements regarding conflicts of interest. To meet these requirements, we are required to identify potential conflicts of interest and to keep appropriate records of such conflicts.
Interests are assessed on the basis of there being opportunity for the individual to influence the recommendations for personal or institutional gain. Interests are also assessed either in relation to distinct aspects of the business of the meeting or in broad terms. Declared interests may be assessed as being (i) conflicting interests or (ii) non-conflicting interests.
Interests are viewed as non-conflicting if there is no opportunity for the individual to influence the business of the meeting for personal or institutional gain. The Versus Arthritis staff and meeting chair or vice chair will decide whether the declared interest has bearing on any aspect of the meeting business. The chair or vice chair may seek the opinion of fellow members to ensure an appropriate judgement.
Categories of interests
- Any activity outside Versus Arthritis’s activities that may conflict should be declared ahead of or during the membership term. For example:
- Employment or equity interests, consultancies, directorships, current academic collaborations or partnerships in enterprises with involvement in pharmaceuticals, healthcare, biotech or related areas, or in any other enterprise that may have a real or perceived interest in the work of Versus Arthritis.
- Any other interests which members feel may be a source of conflict, or which might be perceived to be a conflict, with the interests of Versus Arthritis.
2. Interests which should be disclosed when reviewing funding applications:
- Lead applicant or co-applicant within the specified round or activity.
- Head of department on a grant application.
- Sponsor on a fellowship application.
- Collaboration with the lead applicant or co-applicants within the last three years.
- Publication with the lead applicant or co-applicants within the last three years.
- Employed by the same institution as the lead applicant or co-applicants.
- Circumstances or activities that may be regarded as being in direct competition with the applicant.
Management of interests
For permanent committee members, registered interests assessed as being non-conflicting require no further action other than maintenance in the register of disclosed interests. Registered interests assessed as being conflicting in relation to a distinct aspect of meeting business require further action. In such cases members should be excluded from the relevant discussions and should absent themselves while the aspect is being discussed.
In relation to committee or group members forming a review panel for funding applications:
- The chair of the review panel is not permitted to submit an application to that panel.
- Review panel members are permitted to remain on the panel if they have any of the conflicts listed but will not have access to the application they are conflicted on and will be absented from the meeting when that application is discussed.
- Review panel members will be informed of any conflicts that have arisen ahead of the panel activity.
In relation to external peer reviewers:
- Potential external peer reviewers will not be approached if any of the conflicts listed are identified
In relations to Versus Arthritis staff:
- Versus Arthritis staff managing review panels are subject to the same conflict principles as reviewers.
- Versus Arthritis staff are not permitted be applicants, co-applicants or collaborators on funding applications.
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