Versus Arthritis Safeguarding Policy
1.Policy Statement
1.1 The purpose of this policy is to provide the overarching principles that guide our approach to safeguarding. The policy forms the foundations upon which our supporting guidance and procedures are based.
1.2 Our Safeguarding Policy outlines our commitment to creating a safe environment for all service users, managing our activities in a way which minimises the risk of abuse occurring, and providing adequate support for those working on our behalf with adults at risk², children, and young people.
1.3 This policy sets out the collective and individual expectation for our Versus Arthritis community to comply with legislation, codes of conduct and behaviours required for everyone working, whether paid or unpaid, for the charity. As such, it applies to all employees, trustees, volunteers1, contractors and temporary staff who work for VA.
Key Definitions
1.4 Safeguarding applies to adults at risk of abuse or neglect and to children and young people. Anyone under 18 is a child. According to Section 53 of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007, an 'adult' is defined as a person aged 16 or over.
1.5 It means:
- protecting the rights of adults to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.
- protecting children³ and young people from maltreatment; preventing impairment of health or development; ensuring they are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable them to have the best outcomes.
2. Rationale
2.1 Versus Arthritis has a duty to treat all safeguarding allegations or concerns reported seriously. We will implement and follow the processes set out in our safeguarding procedures.
2.2 This policy should be read alongside our safeguarding procedures which explain what action is required of trustees, employees, volunteers, managers and others, if there are concerns that an adult at risk or a child or young person is being harmed or is at risk of harm.
2.3 The aims for the Safeguarding Policy and procedures are:
- The aims for the Safeguarding Policy and procedures are:
- To promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of children / young people and adults at risk who use any of our services (includes in person and online / digital / social media, etc.), attend VA events or activities, or to whom we otherwise owe a duty of care.
- To ensure everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in respect of safeguarding and has access to appropriate learning opportunities to their knowledge of safeguarding – both identification of abuse and the reporting processes, should there be a cause for concern.
- To ensure appropriate action is taken in the event of concerns being identified, and to make sure support is provided to the victim and the person who raises or discloses the concern.
- To ensure that confidential, detailed, and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored.
- To ensure that appropriate people are selected as volunteers and are employed by Versus Arthritis2.
- To protect and empower people who lack capacity.3
2.4 Versus Arthritis understands:
- That all children, young people, and adults at risk have the right to equality of protection against any form of harm or abuse regardless of their age, disability (physical or mental), sex, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity status, race, religion or belief or sexual orientation.
- That some people are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, their communication needs, or other issues.
- That working together and effective information sharing with children, young people, their parents, or guardians, carers, and other relevant agencies, is essential in promoting their welfare.
- That for safeguarding children, the welfare of the child is paramount and overrides all other considerations.
- That to effectively safeguard adults at risk we must work with them in partnership, applying the six key principles that underpin all adult safeguarding work. We must respect an individual’s wishes, feelings, and rights, including the right to make unwise decisions and to assume they have mental capacity.
- That working in partnership with adults at risk, their partners, families, carers, and relevant agencies, and sharing safeguarding information where appropriate is vital for promoting their welfare and wellbeing.
- We recognise the need to respond to all types of abuse and harm including but not limited to physical, emotional, sexual, and domestic abuse, neglect, online abuse, child sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation, bullying, harassment and cyberbullying, radicalisation, trafficking, grooming and harmful sexual behaviour.4
2.5 We will seek to keep people safe on a charity-wide basis by:
- Compliance with all relevant safeguarding legislation, Working Together to Safeguard Children statutory guidance, the Charity Commission.5 and making sure that prevention of harm is practiced in our content and online work; and that appropriate policies and procedures are in place, which are followed by all.
- These will include a clear system of referring and reporting to relevant agencies as soon as concerns are suspected or identified.
- By recruiting employees and volunteers who work with service users according to Safer Recruitment principals, including obtaining relevant criminal record checks and references to deter unsuitable applicants and keep our services users safe.
- Promoting an open and positive culture and make sure all involved feel able to report concerns, confident that they will be heard and responded to.
- Provision of adequate safeguarding policies, procedures, and measures to protect people, including providing clarity as to how incidents and allegations will be handled should they arise.
- Identify training needs and provide training for all staff and eligible volunteers of Versus Arthritis in Safeguarding. Specialised training and awareness will be required for those employees and volunteers engaged in activities that we may anticipate carry risks of a safeguarding nature (for example in a face-to-face or online / digital / social media context, and in safer recruitment responsibilities).
- Appointment of Designated Safeguarding Lead.
- Ensuring that everyone who works with or has responsibility for the delivery of services to children and adults is familiar with, and confident about, their individual responsibilities in dealing with any potential or actual allegations.
- Minimising the risk of abuse by discrimination by ensuring all workplace practices are sensitive to individual, gender and cultural needs or any other practice which may stigmatise or disadvantage the individual or customer group.
2.6 There is legislation and statutory guidance which provide the legal framework within which we work. This safeguarding policy complies with all relevant legislation, policy and guidance which seeks to protect children and adults.
You should read this policy alongside our other organisational policies, guidance, and procedures.
2.7 Safeguarding children and promoting the welfare of children is defined by the NSPCC6 as the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. It means:
- protecting children from abuse and maltreatment
- preventing harm to children’s health or development
- ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcomes.
Safeguarding children and child protection guidance and legislation applies to anyone under the age of 18 in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. For example, we will be guided by: Working Together to Safeguard Children (
In Scotland, the definition of a child varies in different legal contexts, but statutory guidance which supports the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, includes all children and young people up to the age of 18.7 The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator is the regulatory body for charities in Scotland and publishes guidance for trustees of charities that includes child protection and extends to safeguarding vulnerable beneficiaries, meaning children under 18 and vulnerable (protected) adults over 16 years.
2.8 Safeguarding adults 8 means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect. The issue here for VA to address is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate, having regard for their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action, making safeguarding personal.
An adult at risk is:
- for a person 18 years and over, or 16 years and over in Scotland
- has needs for care and support (whether or not the authority is meeting any of those needs)
- is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect, and as a result of those needs is unable to protect themselves against the abuse or neglect or the risk of it.
- Terminology across the UK varies. 9 You may have also heard the term ‘vulnerable adults’ used, however, for the policy we are using the phrase 'adult at risk'.
3. Making it Happen
3.1 Versus Arthritis has appropriate arrangements in place that reflect the importance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults at risk. These are:
a) Clear lines of accountability.
b) Clear management oversight – Safeguarding Manager is responsible for ensuring effective safeguarding standards and quality assurance arrangements are in place. The Safeguarding Manager is further supported by the People and Culture Directorate and Safeguarding Champions.
c) Creating a culture in which children and adults at risk are respected, listened to, and their views and wishes are taken into account.
d) Arrangements which clearly set out the processes for sharing information when necessary, with other professionals who hold statutory responsibilities for safeguarding children and adults at risk.
e) Trained and knowledgeable staff within the organisation who can offer professional advice, guidance, support and coaching to volunteers, staff and other professionals.
f) Appropriate supervision and support for staff working with all beneficiaries, including children and adults at risk.
g) Robust procedures and practice guidance for everyone who works for or volunteers on behalf of Versus Arthritis, as laid out in a Safeguarding Flowchart, within the Safeguarding Procedure.
h) Willingness to access professional safeguarding advice and audit when required.
3.2 As we work towards our ultimate vision of a future free from arthritis, our values to provide a United, Compassionate, Inclusive and Brave environment for everyone with whom we are in contact guide all our safeguarding efforts, prioritising the safety and welfare of everyone in our organisation.
3.3 Versus Arthritis has clearly defined procedures in the Safeguarding Procedure for identifying what constitutes safe practice and what action must be taken when there are safeguarding concerns about actual or suspected incidents or abuse.
Versus Arthritis has procedures in place for taking action when allegations are made against adults who work with or on behalf of children and adults at risk, although the underpinning principles remain the same. These are outlined in the following procedural documents: Whistleblowing Policy, Grievance Policy and Safeguarding Procedure.
Versus Arthritis has an established Safeguarding Team led by the Safeguarding Manager and supported by the People and Culture Directorate and Safeguarding Champions. The Safeguarding Service provides information, guidance and support and is responsible for making sure action is taken when safeguarding concerns relating to staff or volunteers arise and for ensuring the charity fulfils its statutory duties. All cases involving safeguarding concerns and allegations about those working for or on behalf of the charity MUST be referred to the Safeguarding Manager.
The Safeguarding Team is responsible for developing and updating safeguarding policy and procedures and these must be followed by all services operated by Versus Arthritis. Any deviation or use of alternative policies or procedures must be agreed by the Safeguarding Manager in advance.
3.4 Managing Risk
Versus Arthritis operates an effective procedure for assessing and managing risks including those relating to safeguarding children and adults at risk. The Charity has procedures in place for reporting, recording and reviewing all serious incidents which inform practice, policy and risk assessment management protocols and where appropriate, reporting to the Charity Commission. This is outlined in the Serious Incidents Policy and Procedure.
All adults working in either a paid or voluntary capacity in Versus Arthritis are required to adhere to the organisation’s Values and are intended to safeguard the wellbeing of children and adults at risk and also provide some protection to staff, volunteers and carers whose own vulnerability in some situations is recognised.
3.5 Record Keeping
Well-kept records are essential in situations where it is suspected or believed that a child or adult at risk are at risk of harm.
Versus Arthritis has clear processes for the management of records, managing confidentiality and sharing information. There is an expectation of confidentiality in the recording, use and management of personal information. Management and staff are clear about what information can be shared with relevant people within and outside of the organisation. Information will always be shared with relevant other agencies regardless of consent of the beneficiary when there are concerns about the safeguarding of children or the wider community.
All services ensure that effective systems are in place for the recording and maintenance of safeguarding records. These safeguarding records are held securely, this is outlined in the organisation’s Privacy Policy.
3.6 Recruitment and Selection of Staff
The growing awareness of the possibility of abuse by people in positions of trust and the increased understanding of the vulnerability of children and adults at risk highlight the need for careful recruitment and selection of employees and volunteers. We take every precaution to ensure sound and thorough vetting procedures for anyone who works with or on behalf of Versus Arthritis.
Versus Arthritis consistently applies a thorough and clearly defined method of recruiting staff and volunteers in line with best safeguarding practice. This makes sure that all workforce members understand the expected behaviours at work and that everyone, regardless of their role, is competent and safe to work for our organisation. This is outlined in the Safer Recruitment Policy.
3.7 A Supported Workforce
There are procedures in place for the effective management and supervision of staff and volunteers when working with children and adults at risk. This is outlined in the Effective Supervision Guidance.
All newly appointed staff are given an induction into Safeguarding in Versus Arthritis and there are formal and informal opportunities for all adults working in the organisation to develop safeguarding awareness.
3.8 Training and Communication
Versus Arthritis provides a variety of safeguarding and refresher safeguarding training opportunities; both face to face and online.
Versus Arthritis requires all trustees, managers and staff to undertake safeguarding training.
Service delivery teams are encouraged to attend local authority-provided ‘Working Together to Safeguard People’ training, to increase understanding of local legislation and reporting procedures.
3.9 Policy Review
The safeguarding policy and procedures are subject to regular review to ensure that they are fit for purpose. These reviews take place a) annually, b) following a serious incident and c) following changes in Charity Commission guidelines.
A quarterly report is provided to the Safeguarding Oversight Team for review of current practices, training, policies and procedures.
An annual safeguarding report will be presented to the Board of Trustees.
Any feedback relating to the safeguarding policy or procedures should be sent to the safeguarding team at
4. Related VA Policies and Statements
- Safeguarding Procedure
- Safeguarding Complaints Procedure
- Safer Recruitment
- Modern Slavery Statement
- Procurement Policy
- Serious Incident Policy and Procedure
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Values and Behaviours Statement
- Versus Arthritis Effective Supervision Guidance
All policies and procedures can be found on the Policy Directory at Policies Hub - Home (