Our achievements

You’ve helped us to achieve life-changing breakthroughs in our push to beat arthritis. Together, we have a long history of demanding and delivering better results and we won’t stop until the world no longer tolerates the impact of arthritis.
Here are a few examples of how, together, we’re making a difference:
- The treatment of arthritis had its biggest breakthrough yet when we discovered a key molecule known as tumour necrosis factor (TNF), leading to a new class of drugs known as biological therapies. Since its approval in 1998, infliximab alone has transformed the lives 1.9 million people with inflammatory arthritis.
- Our online community provides vital peer-to-peer support 24 hours a day, letting you know you’re not alone.
“My forum family has kept me sane. I have had fantastic support and, to be honest, without that support, I wonder if I’d have got through these last few months. Thank you.”
- Our helpline advisors dealt with over 14,400 enquiries, offering empathy and support to people dealing with the everyday challenges of living with arthritis.
- Annually we distribute over 100,000 booklets that empower you to make informed choices every day.
“I give (your) information to patients all the time because I know that it’s trusted and reliable. The exercise sheets are invaluable and I send patients straight to your website.”
- People with arthritis were supported over 80,400 times through Versus Arthritis local, commissioned and young people and families services.
- 711 volunteers supported our work this year, delivering services, running groups, campaigning, shaping research and raising the funds we need to keep pushing against arthritis.
“When I joined I was afraid of talking to strangers about my arthritis and didn’t like answering questions. But with your help I’ve become more confident about my arthritis and how to answer questions. Thank you for making me feel comfortable to have arthritis.”
- We made 33 new research awards this year, taking our total investment in research to more than £118 million across 250 live awards.
- We engaged with over 1,000 young people who were new to Versus Arthritis through our Young People and Families services.
- 89 people with lived experience of arthritis signed up to become research partners this year, making a vital contribution to pioneering arthritis research.
“I’ve seen the difference research has made to my own life. Because of the advances made in joint replacement surgery by the time of my last knee replacement I found I recovered faster and had less post-operative pain.”
- Membership of our healthcare professional network grew by 17% - by the end of the year a total of 10,554 healthcare professionals had signed up.
- More than 46,000 people supported our work financially, through one-off donations or regular gifts.
Related information
Our strategy
Our organisational strategy for 2023-2028 sets out our vision towards a future free from arthritis.
Our organisation
We’re 10 million people living with arthritis. We’re healthcare professionals, researchers, carers and supporters. All of us Versus Arthritis.
Work for us
Join us and use your skills, knowledge and passion to help defy arthritis.