Northern Ireland

What we do

Versus Arthritis is here to make sure that people with arthritis have all the support and information they need to live well with their condition, as well as to ensure the needs of people with arthritis are a priority with policymakers in Northern Ireland.

If you have any NI specific enquiries about our services and support, please contact our Belfast office by phone 028 9078 2940 or email

You can also follow us on social media to keep up to date with our services, activity and health information.




Adult Support Services

1. Self Management Courses

We know how much strength it takes to live with arthritis, chronic pain and MSK Conditions. Our range of self-management courses are designed to support you to manage your condition better and improve your confidence. The programmes can give you the tools you need to feel empowered, take back some control and to push back against arthritis.

Our Self-Management Courses are delivered by our Accredited Peer Trainers who themselves live with a long-term health condition. They know from personal experience the challenges of living with a long-term condition and use many of the skills learnt through our Self-Management Courses to support them to cope better.

Through the courses you will also have an opportunity to meet with other people who are also living with long-term conditions in a small, supportive group.

Participants will develop their skills and knowledge on:
• Managing fatigue
• Coping with anxiety and stress
• Improving sleep and rest
• Managing anger and frustration
• Managing change and goal setting
• Improving lifestyle including activity and healthy eating

Our courses are FREE to access and are available both online or face-to-face in a community setting.

Book your place on a free self-management course.

2.Physical Activity

It can be hard to keep moving when you have arthritis but staying as active as possible can reduce your pain and the symptoms of your condition and help you to stay independent.

As well as reducing your pain, exercise can:
• improve your muscle strength which keeps your joints strong and well-supported
• reduce stiffness in your joints
• help your balance
• improve energy levels and feelings of tiredness
• help you manage your weight
• boost your mood.

We have a number of options to support you to become physically active including facilitated Online and Face to Face Chi Me Classes (Chi Me is similar to Tai Chi).

We offer weekly morning, afternoon and evening Chi Me classes Online. We also have a Beginners Class for those who are new to chi me or who want to take their first steps in keeping active.

You can book onto a class by completing this booking form

You can also access a range of online exercise content by clicking on this link

If you would like to find out more email us on 

3.Information Sessions

Online Information sessions

We facilitate information sessions online which are led by Health Care Professionals and our Voluntary/Community Sector partners.

Sessions from Health Care Professionals range from nutrition to fatigue management and pain medication. Voluntary sector partners have delivered sessions on employment rights and benefits support.

Information sessions are FREE to access. Book your place

To register your interest in online Information sessions please email or complete this form.

Community Information sessions

We have a network of Peer Support Volunteers who can deliver short information talks on Arthritis and topics including fatigue, pain management and managing anxiety.

If you are interested in one of our Volunteers speaking to your group contact us on

*please note this service is contingent on volunteer availability.

4. Peer Support Groups

We have a Community Network of peer support branches and groups offering friendship, fun, information, and a chance to meet other people who know what it is like to live with arthritis and similar conditions.

Use the search function to find a branch or group near you, contact or telephone 028 9078 2940.

Online Peer Support Groups

We offer an online support group for those that are struggling with work. The group will give you the opportunity to gain valuable peer support, and receive information from guest speakers.

If you want to participate in any of these services or make an enquiry – please fill out this form.


Nuffield Health- Joint Pain Programme

This free-to-access programme is designed to help you self-manage your chronic joint pain and lead a more independent life.

It’s a 6-month programme, which begins with 12 weeks of lifestyle advice and exercise sessions led by a Rehabilitation Specialist. This will equip you with the tools to better manage your pain.

And it works. People who’ve completed the programme have shown improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life.

For further information see the Nuffield Health website Joint Pain Programme | Nuffield Health

Young People and Families Services

Our Young People and Families service offers a range of services to support young people and their families. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA), lupus and other musculoskeletal conditions, can have a devastating effect on children and young people, affecting friendships and confidence. Many young people with arthritis never meet another young person like them until they come along to an event with us.

We know it is daunting to try something new, but our volunteers (who have grown up with arthritis or similar conditions) know exactly how that feels and work hard to make sure everyone feels welcome and safe. Coming along to one of our events gives young people the opportunity to rebuild confidence in themselves and trust in others.

For more information contact or call on 028 9078 2940.

1. Residential Weekends for Young People

We run several residential weekends throughout the year, where young people from the age of 11-18 years have the opportunity to meet others who really understand their condition. Each weekend is different, in the past we have done rock climbing and paddle boarding. Our events are about having fun and getting to know others in a similar situation as you.

2. Workshops for Young People

Young people from the age of 12-18 years (and a friend or family member can also attend our one-day events). We run these throughout the year on a variety of topics such as adulting with arthritis which looks at how you navigate the world as an adult with an MSK condition. They are run by our team of volunteers and medical experts and cover topics such as alcohol, piercings, coping with university, living away from home and travelling with arthritis.

3. Family Events

Children with arthritis and their families can attend our Family Days, a mix of activities and meeting others who are in the same boat as you are a brilliant opportunity for parents and kids to get support.

4. Parents Seminar

This is a day for parents to hear from a panel of experts from the Paediatric Rheumatology Team, asking questions and learning about their child’s health in a positive and friendly environment, we are hoping to build on this in terms of skills to help with the transition from Paediatric to Adult services.

5. Arthritis Tracker: A Mobile app for Teens and Young Adults

Created with young people for young people; Arthritis Tracker lets you rate your symptoms in seconds and see a simple summary of your recent pain, sore joints, medication side effects, energy levels, activity, sleep and emotions. You can use these summaries to help you talk to your healthcare professionals at medical appointments or simply to see how you have been doing recently. Download the app here and find out more here.

6. YPFS Social Media

We have social media pages available for both parents and teenagers, to allow you to connect with others locally who understand. These are a great place to stay updated and ask any questions you may have for people who have been through similar experiences. Connect with us on social media here.


There are nearly half a million people in Northern Ireland with arthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions, yet our concerns are often dismissed as just a bit of pain or part of the ageing process. We need your help to get arthritis taken seriously and make it a government and health service priority.

Contact or call 028 9078 2940 if you’d like to support our campaigns or have a chat about what we do. You can find out more about our UK-wide campaigns on our dedicated campaign pages and join our Campaign Network to keep updated.

Working with Healthcare Professionals

We offer support and training to healthcare professionals to help you best support your patients Healthcare professional resources.

Our Northern Ireland services offer leaflet (PDF, 718 KB) summarises our offer to HCPs and Patients across NI and beyond.

We are keen to collaborate with HCPs and educators to make a difference to MSK education and care through our volunteer led ‘Patient Voice’ lived experience input to HCP education and service improvement

We also capture and showcase health service innovation and improvement through our annual ‘Professionals Versus Arthritis’ events Health Service Innovation and Stories of Change hosted on our website Health Services Improvement.

Contact and sign up to our Professional Network Professional Network sign up


Volunteering is at the very heart of Versus Arthritis and it is thanks to the hard work, enthusiasm and commitment of volunteers, that we can support millions of people living with arthritis every year. We couldn't operate without them.

All of our services are delivered or supported by our amazing volunteers, and there are opportunities to get involved in campaigning, fundraising, take part in events or even organise your own. 

Volunteering Opportunities

Involvement Opportunities

We have multiple volunteering opportunities across Northern Ireland and provide all the necessary training and support that will help you feel part of our organisation and equipped to perform your role.

As a volunteer, we will support you to learn new skills, meet new people and help you increase your confidence and self-esteem. Many of our volunteers live with arthritis and related conditions, which means together we can deliver a quality service, and help you to enhance your self-management skills.

Please get in touch to find out more or call on 028 9078 2940.

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