New report urges government to help people with long-term conditions remain in work
12 March 2025
Today, Monday 10 March, the Commission for Healthier Working Lives published its final report into workplace ill health in the UK.
Over 8 million working-age people have work-limiting health conditions, and each year around 300,000 people leave their jobs and end up out of the workforce entirely, with musculoskeletal conditions being one of the leading causes. Led by the Health Foundation, the independent Commission was established to build a consensus around the action needed from government and employers to address this challenge.
The Commission calls for a new focus on early intervention to prevent rising numbers of people with health conditions from leaving employment and suggests that a more proactive approach to employee health could keep at least 100,000 more people at work over the next five years.
Patricia Stapleton, Senior Policy Manager, Versus Arthritis:
“This report is a valuable tool in helping to shape new thinking on what’s needed to overhaul a system that’s currently not working.
“Too many people with MSK conditions are falling out of work due to a lack of support which very often leads to a dip in earnings, vulnerability to poverty in later life and the personal toll of stigma and lack of purpose.
“This report centres its recommendations on prevention as a first, but important, step. We urge the Government to take the findings seriously, and work alongside charities, professional bodies and other experts to ensure people living with ill health are able to work for as long as they need.”
How did Versus Arthritis support the Commission’s work?
In April 2024, Versus Arthritis held a joint workshop with the Health Foundation and people with arthritis to inform the work of the Commission and shine a light on the experiences of people with arthritis in the workplace. We wanted to hear directly from people with arthritis about what would help them to remain in work.
Learn more about working with arthritis
Research suggests that:
- People in the UK living with arthritis are 20% less likely to be in work than people without.
- Women living with arthritis who do not have a university degree are even less likely to be in work compared to women without the condition.
- The cost of working days lost due to osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis was estimated at £2.58 billion in 2017 and is projected to rise to £3.43 billion by 2030.
What issues do people with arthritis face at work?
One person said they felt lost at work and that their boss didn’t know how to handle them. They even faced the threat of losing their job and received no help from Human Resources (HR), making them feel like a burden.
Similarly, another participant shared that their employer “didn’t know what to do with me”.
But there were also some positive reflections. Another person felt supported by their boss, who cared about their wellbeing. They were provided with adaptive equipment like a standing desk to help them work better.
Others discussed how their employer provided a supportive work culture by giving them flexibility to move their hours.
The stigma of having or reporting an MSK condition to an employer
Participants shared that communicating with line managers about fatigue was hard as they didn’t want to cause a fuss. Many people expressed that they “don't want to be an inconvenience” to their employers, demonstrating just how difficult it is to live and work with arthritis or an MSK condition.
A self-employed participant highlighted that they struggled a lot and felt as if in limbo whilst they waited for a diagnosis. Their health problems were so bad that they had to stop working for a long period of time and couldn't get any financial help. Their business went downhill, leaving them with a lot of debt. Eventually they had to close their business and re-start their career in an entirely different sector.
Mental health
Several people living with arthritis pointed out that if mental health isn’t treated, people cannot always find their way back into work. Given how common mental health and MSK conditions are, this means people are having to balance multiple long-term conditions while struggling to remain in work.
Lack of flexibility
Employer inflexibility was a real issue for people working in service delivery roles in the NHS or social care. The unpredictable, fluctuating nature of arthritis can make it difficult to plan time off or extra support at the right time.
People mentioned their requests for flexible start times, ergonomic equipment, or for deployment to a different job role were denied and no alternatives were offered. One person retired because none of their requests for reasonable adjustments were granted.
One person told us they retired early because they couldn’t get the adaptations to their shifts they needed to work flexibly.
What support do people with arthritis need to stay in work?
The Health Foundation report recommends a series of changes such as a back-to-work offer to enable people to return to work following a period of ill health, the introduction of vocational rehabilitation to help people stay in work after statutory sick pay ends and improving advocacy for workers through the use of locally based case workers. It also urges the government to review statutory sick pay levels within this parliament to ensure better financial security for workers.
At Versus Arthritis, we don’t believe anyone should have to leave their job because of their health condition. That’s why we’ll continue to call for people with arthritis to get the support they need in work.
If the government is serious about addressing workplace ill health, it must improve work support for people with arthritis.
It was clear from the discussion that a ‘one size fits all’ approach doesn’t work for people with an MSK condition. However, there are adaptations that do make life easier for a person still in employment.
Better access to adaptations and ergonomic equipment
Some people suggested that workplaces could be adapted to meet the needs of people living with arthritis. For example, they could have access to a lift or ramp, so is easier for people to get around.
Some participants highlighted that adapted ergonomic equipment, such as easy-to-use keyboards and mouse devices, are often not provided. But when such equipment was provided, it made a huge difference to their everyday experience of work.
Items like ergonomic office chairs and desks, and digital support software were also seen as helpful to people living with arthritis.
Ensuring a flexible work environment
To accommodate fatigue and pain, people with arthritis said it would be helpful if workplaces offered:
- Flexible working.
- Reduced hours.
- Time off work for appointments.
- Rest breaks.
Supporting employees to attend medical appointments is important, especially considering long waiting times to see a GP.
Adaptation of duties (e.g., working in different environments, or a change in roles) will also enable a person to remain in employment.
Line management support and workplace culture
People told us a supportive line manager made the difference between them remaining in or leaving work.
Support and understanding from line managers is crucial to help people with arthritis. This is because it can make people feel comfortable disclosing their condition and asking for any reasonable adjustments they need.
If we want to create an inclusive workplace culture, line managers must also be given the tools and training they need to support people living with arthritis.
Employee support programmes
Access to employee support programmes, like Access to Work, provide much needed equipment or grants for transport.
Training programmes and education
Training about MSK conditions helps employers understand the fluctuating nature of these conditions. People who worked in the NHS thought that more education was needed for nurses and doctors, especially for those in the early stages of their careers.
We’re here for you
Pain and fatigue can make working life challenging. But remember, you’re not alone.
If you need more advice or support, remember you can:
- Call our free helpline on 0800 5200 520.
- Chat with our Arthritis Virtual Assistant.
- Join our online community.
- Stay in touch and follow us on X, Facebook and Instagram.