Our research committees
Our research committees include the Research Expert Committee, Fellowship Expert Committee and Progress Review Committee.
Research Funding Panels are chaired by members of the Expert Committees with additional membership drawn from our College of Experts.
The Expert Committees and Funding Panels are co-chaired by a Research Partner with lived experience of arthritis. All other groups in this structure have people with lived experience of arthritis within their membership.
Expert Committees support the charity with the implementation of the Research Strategy. They provide strategic advice on research activity, as well as researcher career progression.
Funding Panels are bespoke panels that are formed to review specific funding calls and activity. They are co-chaired by two members of the Expert committees, a technical expert as well as a Research Partner with lived experience of arthritis. Membership of funding panels is drawn from the College of Experts.
College of Experts, the college brings together a diverse group of experts, including people with arthritis, researchers and people with a commercial, policy, health and social care background.
Progress Review Committee monitors progress of studies that are recruiting human participants.
Research Advisory Groups, provide insight to help prioritise research with and for people with arthritis.
Final authorisation for any funding activity is given by the Charity Executive or Board of Trustees, in accordance with the Charity’s Delegation of Authority.
Research and Fellowship Expert Committees
The function of the Versus Arthritis Research and Fellowship Expert Committees is to advise the Charity on research activity and researcher career progression. As well as support the implementation of the Research Strategy.
College of Experts
The College of Experts has a broad membership, including people with lived experience, and was created to widen the range of available and committed expertise on our Research Funding Panels and Expert Committees.
Progress Review Committee
The Progress Review Committee monitors progress of studies involving human participants. Alongside the Expert Committees, it provides opinion on requests for supplemental funding or material changes to clinical studies.