We offer a wide range of activities across Wales, including peer support for adults and young people and families, information sharing and social activities. All activities are fully risk assessed and approved by Versus Arthritis.
Cymru Versus Arthritis is here to make sure that people with arthritis in Wales have all of the support and information they need to live well with their condition and to ensure that the needs of people with arthritis are a priority with policymakers in Wales. Cymru Versus Arthritis runs a number of different services for people of all ages with arthritis, ranging from activity sessions for young people to practical support and information for those with arthritis.
Living Well with Arthritis
Our Living Well and CWTCH (Communities Working Together Can Help) support services work alongside people with arthritis, community groups, health, and social care professionals to deliver a framework of support across four key themes:
pain management
physical activity
shared decision making.
Our delivery model is aligned to the following principles:
Focus on people – ensuring people with arthritis have a voice and control over their care and support.
Wellbeing – supporting people to improve and maintain their well-being.
Prevention and early intervention – increasing options for preventative and early intervention services.
Partnership – facilitating effective cooperation and partnership working between researchers, agencies, and organisations to best meet the needs of people with arthritis.
Accessibility – improving the information and advice available to people and ensuring that people with arthritis can access that information.
Activities include self-management sessions and information sessions/events, support/activity groups, 1:1 support, tailored workshops for people with arthritis and health care professionals, signposting to local services and opportunities to volunteer within the community.
Our services aim to:
Address loneliness and isolation – by providing opportunities to connect and socialise in communities.
Promote and facilitating independence – by building individuals’ capacity to access trusted and validated information, advice, and assistance.
Build resilience, in individuals and communities – by supporting people to manage their condition and their lives.
Through the above activities, our team of staff and volunteers will work to ensure that the impact of arthritis is recognised and as a result ensure people are empowered and supported to live well. Contributing to our vision of a world that no longer tolerates the impact of arthritis. ensuring no one faces arthritis alone.
Our Young People and Families service offers a range of services to support young people and their families. We encourage young people to get together for a variety of fun activity and discussion-based events across Wales.
Arthritis is still viewed as a condition of old age. Versus Arthritis knows that it is not – around 16,000 children and young people in the UK have some form of arthritis. It can be challenging to be a parent of a child with arthritis, and it can be isolating and difficult for children and teenagers to grow up with the condition.
Our Young People and Families Service work alongside the team at Noah’s Ark Hospital providing support in clinical settings, one-to-one support, emotional and peer support, and some exciting opportunities and events both online and face to face that aim to reduce isolation, build confidence and empower young people.
Arthritis Tracker: A mobile app for teens and young adults
Created with young people for young people, Arthritis Tracker lets you rate your symptoms in seconds and see a simple summary of your recent pain, sore joints, medication side effects, energy levels, activity, sleep and emotions. You can use these summaries to help you talk to your healthcare professionals at medical appointments or simply to see how you have been doing recently.
To volunteer for an organisation is to give the invaluable gift of time and at Versus Arthritis our volunteers play a vital role in raising funds and raising awareness about the pain of arthritis. We couldn't operate without them. All of our services are delivered or supported by our amazing volunteers, and there are opportunities to get involved in campaigning, fundraising, take part in events or even organise your own. Volunteering is at the very heart of Versus Arthritis and it is thanks to the hard work, enthusiasm and commitment of volunteers, that we can support millions of people living with arthritis every year.
We have several volunteering opportunities available across Wales and provide all the necessary training and support that will help you feel part of our organisation and equipped to perform your role. As a volunteer, we will support you to learn new skills, meet new people and help you increase your confidence and self-esteem. Many of our volunteers live with arthritis and related conditions, which means together we can deliver a quality service, and help you to enhance your self-management skills.
Cymru Versus Arthritis believes that arthritis and musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions should be a national health policy priority. Approximately 970,000 people live with these conditions in Wales and the impact on individuals, their families, on communities and on our health and social care services is huge. Despite this, arthritis and MSK conditions are often overlooked and related services under-resourced.
We campaign to make change happen. To improve quality of life for people with arthritis / MSK conditions in Wales.
Our campaign successes include the establishment of a new Multidisciplinary Paediatric Rheumatology Service for South and Mid Wales and the Welsh Government developing a new national arthritis and MSK strategy to improve related health care services in Wales.
You can help us make more change happen. For more info on how you can get involved…
Rydym yn cynnig ystod eang o weithgareddau ledled Cymru, gan gynnwys cymorth gan gymheiriaid i oedolion a phobl ifanc a theuluoedd, rhannu gwybodaeth a gweithgareddau cymdeithasol. Mae'r holl weithgareddau'n cael eu hasesu a'u cymeradwyo'n llawn gan Versus Arthritis. Gwiriwch beth sydd yn eich ardal leol gan ddefnyddio'r 'Chwilio am Wasanaethau yn Eich Ardal Leol'.
Mae Cymru Versus Arthritis yma i sicrhau bod pobl ag arthritis yng Nghymru yn cael yr holl gymorth a'r wybodaeth sydd eu hangen arnynt i fyw'n dda gyda'u cyflwr ac i sicrhau bod anghenion pobl ag arthritis yn flaenoriaeth gyda llunwyr polisi yng Nghymru. Mae Cymru Versus Arthritis yn rhedeg nifer o wasanaethau gwahanol i bobl o bob oed sydd ag arthritis, yn amrywio o sesiynau gweithgareddau i bobl ifanc i gymorth a gwybodaeth ymarferol i'r rhai ag arthritis.
Byw'n Dda gydag Arthritis
Mae ein gwasanaethau cefnogaeth Byw’n Dda a CWTCH (Gall Cymunedau'n Cydweithio Helpu) yn gweithio ar y cyd â phobl gydag arthritis, grwpiau cymunedol, gweithwyr iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol proffesiynol i ddarparu fframwaith o gefnogaeth ar draws pedwar thema allweddol:
rheoli poen
gweithgarwch corfforol
gwneud penderfyniadau cyfunol
Mae ein model cyflenwi wedi'i alinio â'r egwyddorion canlynol:
Ffocws ar bobl – sicrhau bod gan bobl sydd ag arthritis lais a rheolaeth dros eu gofal a chymorth.
Llesiant – cefnogi pobl i wella a chynnal eu llesiant.
Ataliaeth ac ymyrraeth gynnar – cynyddu'r dewisiadau ar gyfer gwasanaethau ataliol ac ymyrraeth gynnar.
Partneriaeth – hwyluso cydweithredu effeithiol a gweithio mewn partneriaeth rhwng ymchwilwyr, asiantaethau a sefydliadau i wneud y gorau o fodloni anghenion pobl ag arthritis.
Hygyrchedd – gwella’r wybodaeth a chyngor sydd ar gael i bobl a sicrhau y gall pobl ag arthritis gael mynediad at yr wybodaeth honno.
Ymhlith y gweithgareddau mae sesiynau hunanreolaeth a sesiynau / digwyddiadau gwybodaeth, grwpiau cymorth / gweithgaredd, cefnogaeth 1:1, gweithdai wedi'u teilwra ar gyfer pobl ag arthritis a gweithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol, cyfeirio at wasanaethau lleol a chyfleoedd i wirfoddoli yn y gymuned.
Nod ein gwasanaethau yw i:
Fynd i'r afael ag unigrwydd ac arwahanrwydd – trwy ddarparu cyfleoedd i gysylltu a chymdeithasu mewn cymunedau.
Hyrwyddo a hwyluso annibyniaeth – trwy adeiladu gallu unigolion i gael gafael ar wybodaeth ddibynadwy a dilysedig, cyngor a chymorth.
Adeiladu gwytnwch, mewn unigolion a chymunedau – trwy gefnogi pobl i reoli eu cyflwr a'u bywydau.
Trwy'r gweithgareddau uchod, bydd ein tîm o staff a gwirfoddolwyr yn gweithio i sicrhau y cydnabyddir effaith arthritis, ac o ganlyniad yn sicrhau bod pobl wedi eu grymuso a'u cefnogi i fyw'n dda. Cyfrannu at ein gweledigaeth o fyd nad yw bellach yn goddef effaith arthritis, gan sicrhau nad oes unrhyw un yn wynebu arthritis ar ei ben ei hun.
Mae ein gwasanaeth Pobl Ifanc a Theuluoedd yn cynnig amrywiaeth o wasanaethau i gefnogi pobl ifanc a’u teuluoedd. Rydym yn annog pobl ifanc i ddod ynghyd ar gyfer amrywiaeth o weithgareddau ar draws Cymru.
Mae arthritis yn gallu gael ei ystyried i fod yn gyflwr i’r henoed. Mae Versus Arthritis yn gwybod nad yw hyn yn wir – mae gan oddeutu 16,000 o blant a phobl ifanc yn y Deyrnas Unedig rhyw fath o arthritis. Gall fod yn heriol i fod yn rhiant i blentyn gydag arthritis, a gall fod yn unig ac anodd i blant a rhai yn eu harddegau i dyfu i fyny gyda’r cyflwr.
Mae ein gwasanaeth Pobl Ifanc a Theuluoedd yn gweithio law yn llaw gydag Ysbyty Arch Noa yn cefnogi pobl ifanc yn safleoedd clinigol, cefnogaeth unigol ag emosiynol. Rydym yn galluogi grwpiau cyfoed i gwrdd ac i gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau ar lein a wyneb yn wyneb er mwyn lleihau unigrwydd, gwella lles ac adeiladu hyder.
Traciwr Arthritis: Ap symudol ar gyfer rhai yn eu harddegau ac oedolion ifanc
Wedi ei greu gyda phobl ifanc ar gyfer pobl ifanc, mae’r Traciwr Arthritis yn gadael i chi raddio eich symptomau mewn eiliadau a gweld crynodeb syml o’ch poen, cymalau poenus, sgìl effeithiau meddyginiaeth, lefelau egni, gweithgaredd, cwsg ac emosiynau diweddar. Gallwch ddefnyddio'r crynodebau hyn i’ch helpu i siarad gyda’ch gweithwyr gofal iechyd mewn apwyntiadau meddygol, neu i weld sut ydych chi wedi bod yn ymdopi'n ddiweddar.
Mae gwirfoddoli ar gyfer sefydliad yn rhodd amhrisiadwy o amser, ac yn Versus Arthritis mae ein gwirfoddolwyr yn chwarae rhan allweddol o ran codi arian a chodi ymwybyddiaeth ynghylch poen arthritis. Ni allem weithredu hebddynt. Mae ein holl wasanaethau yn cael eu darparu neu gefnogi gan ein gwirfoddolwyr anhygoel, ac mae yna gyfleoedd i gymryd rhan mewn ymgyrchu, codi arian, cymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau neu hyd yn oed drefnu un eich hun. Mae gwirfoddoli yn ganolog i Versus Arthritis. Diolch i waith caled, brwdfrydedd ac ymroddiad gwirfoddolwyr gallwn gefnogi miliynau o bobl yn byw gydag arthritis pob blwyddyn.
Mae gennym nifer o gyfleodd i wirfoddoli ar gael ar draws Cymru a byddwn yn darparu'r holl hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth a fydd angen i’ch helpu i deimlo'n rhan o’n sefydliad ac yn barod i gyflawni eich rôl. Fel gwirfoddolwr, byddwn yn eich cefnogi i ddysgu sgiliau newydd, cwrdd â phobl newydd ac i'ch helpu i gynyddu eich hyder a hunan-barch. Mae nifer o'n gwirfoddolwyr yn byw gydag arthritis a chyflyrau cysylltiedig, sy'n golygu y gallwn ddarparu gwasanaeth o safon gyda’n gilydd, a’ch helpu i hybu eich sgiliau hunan reoli.
Mae Cymru Versus Arthritis o’r farn y dylid ystyried arthritis a chyflyrau cyhyrysgerbydol (MSK) fel blaenoriaeth polisi iechyd cenedlaethol. Mae oddeutu 970,000 o bobl ledled Cymru’n byw gyda’r cyflyrau hynny ac maen nhw’n effeithio’n sylweddol ar unigolion, eu teuluoedd, cymunedau ac ar ein gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Er hynny, fe gaiff arthritis a chyflyrau MSK eu hanwybyddu’n aml a phrin ydy’r adnoddau ar gyfer gwasanaethau cysylltiedig.
Rydym ni’n mynd ati i ymgyrchu er mwyn gwneud newidiadau. Ein nod ydy gwella ansawdd bywyd pobl gydag arthritis / cyflyrau MSK yng Nghymru.
Hyd yn hyn, yn sgil ein hymgyrchoedd, rydym wedi llwyddo i sefydlu Gwasanaeth Rhewmatoleg Paediatreg Amlddisgyblaethol ar gyfer De a Chanolbarth Cymru. At hyn bu i Lywodraeth Cymru ddatblygu strategaeth cenedlaethol newydd yn ymwneud ag arthritis a chyflyrau MSK i wella gwasanaethau gofal iechyd cysylltiedig yng Nghymru.
Fe allwch chi ein cynorthwyo i wneud mwy fyth o newidiadau. I wybod mwy am sut gallwch chi gymryd rhan…
Arthritis Engagement Events & talk on the Impact of Research on Arthritis Join us to learn how research is transforming the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, preventing infections after knee/hip replacements, and improving care for lower back pain. Refreshments available on arrival and a light lunch provided. This is a collaboration between Versus Arthritis and Professor Valerie Sparkes, Director of the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis at Cardiff University. Free Admission
Wednesday 13th November - Aberystwyth, Mid Wales (11am-1pm)
Location: Penparcau Community Centre, Penparcau road, Penparcau, Aberystwyth SY23 1RU
Arthritis Engagement Events & talk on the Impact of Research on Arthritis Join us to learn how research is transforming the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, preventing infections after knee/hip replacements, and improving care for lower back pain. Refreshments available on arrival and a light lunch provided. This is a collaboration between Versus Arthritis and Professor Valerie Sparkes, Director of the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis at Cardiff University. Free Admission
Thursday 7th November - Cardiff, South Wales (11am-1pm)
Arthritis Engagement Events & talk on the Impact of Research on Arthritis Join us to learn how research is transforming the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, preventing infections after knee/hip replacements, and improving care for lower back pain. Refreshments available on arrival and a light lunch provided. This is a collaboration between Versus Arthritis and Professor Valerie Sparkes, Director of the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis at Cardiff University. Free Admission
Monday 21st October - Carmarthen, West Wales (11am-1pm)
Arthritis Engagement Events & talk on the Impact of Research on Arthritis Join us to learn how research is transforming the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, preventing infections after knee/hip replacements, and improving care for lower back pain. Refreshments available on arrival and a light lunch provided. This is a collaboration between Versus Arthritis and Professor Valerie Sparkes, Director of the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis at Cardiff University. Free Admission
Wednesday 27th November - Llandrindod Wells, Mid Wales (11am-1pm)
Location: Media resource centre, Oxford Road, Llandrindod Wells, Powys, LD1 6AH
Arthritis Engagement Events & talk on the Impact of Research on Arthritis Join us to learn how research is transforming the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, preventing infections after knee/hip replacements, and improving care for lower back pain. Refreshments available on arrival and a light lunch provided. This is a collaboration between Versus Arthritis and Professor Valerie Sparkes, Director of the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis at Cardiff University. Free Admission
Thursday 10th October - (11am-1pm)
Location: United Reform Church, Colwyn Ave, Rhôs-on-Sea, LL28 4RA
Arthritis Engagement Events & talk on the Impact of Research on Arthritis Join us to learn how research is transforming the treatment of knee osteoarthritis, preventing infections after knee/hip replacements, and improving care for lower back pain. Refreshments available on arrival and a light lunch provided. This is a collaboration between Versus Arthritis and Professor Valerie Sparkes, Director of the Biomechanics and Bioengineering Research Centre Versus Arthritis at Cardiff University. Free Admission
Friday 11th October - Wrexham, North Wales (11am-1pm)
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go. Every 2nd Saturday of the month.
Time: 3.15 pm - 4.30 pm
Location: Bonymaen Community Centre, Bonymaen Road, Swansea SA1 7AT
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go. Our lead volunteer Ruth Cook leads gentle yoga and tai chi sessions which can be done standing or seated.
When: Every Wednesday except the 3rd Wednesday of the month when the support group meets. Time: 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm
Location: Brecon Subud Hall, Canal Bank, Brecon, Powys LD3 7HH
Our peer support meetings are open to anyone with arthritis, MSK or related conditions e.g. fibromyalgia, lupus and gout.
They provide an opportunity to share lived experiences of having a long-term condition and self-management tips, as well as participating in activities and talks on health and other subjects.
When: Every 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Time: 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
Location: Brecon Subud Hall, Canal Bank, Brecon, Powys LD3 7HH
The form of Tai Chi delivered at this group is called Shibashi Qigong. “Shibashi" means eighteen and Shibashi Qigong is a wonderful set of 18 Qigong exercises practised as a whole for maintaining all round good health and wellbeing. The movements are simple, gentle and flowing, and a joy to practise. This includes looking at posture, breathing techniques and mindfulness.
Please be aware that some meetings will not take place in the usual venue. The alternative activities will be decided on an ad-hoc basis by the group, therefore if this is your first visit please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to find out where the group will be meeting.
The group meet on the 2nd Friday of every month.
Time: 10.30 am to 12.00 pm
Location: Methodist Church Hall, John Street, Carmarthen, SA31 1QG
Dates: Meeting monthly on the 2nd, 3rd (and 5th if there is one) Wednesday of the month.
Time:1.00 pm to 3.00 pm
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go. Second & Third Wednesday of each month @20 Antioch, Station Road. If there's a Fifth Wednesday in a month - meet @ Colwyn Bay Library
2nd & 3rd Wednesday Meeting Location: @20-antioch, 20 Station Road, Colwyn Bay LL28 5EF
5th Wednesday Meeting location: Colwyn Bay Library, Woodland Road West, Colwyn Bay Conwy LL29 7DH
Location: @20-antioch, 20 Station Road, Colwyn Bay LL28 5EF
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
Location: Town Council Offices,Quay Building, Fron Road, Connah's Quay, Flintshire, CH5 4PJ
When: Every other month (see dates below). Time: 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
2024 dates
26 September
28 November
Location: Crundale Community Centre, Cardigan Road, Crundale, Haverfordwest, SA62 4DF
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
Location: Eiranfa Association Factory Place, Denbigh LL16 3TS
Our peer support meetings are free and open to anyone with arthritis, MSK or related conditions e.g. fibromyalgia, lupus and gout. They provide an opportunity to share lived experiences of having a long-term condition and self-management tips, as well as participating in activities and talks on health and other subjects.
Every 3rd Wednesday of the month
Location: Glasbury Village Hall, Hampton Road, Glasbury-on-Wye, Powys, HR3 5LL
Our support group meetings are free & open to all adults with an arthritis or MSK condition. Share experiences & tips, make new friends & try activities. All welcome!
3rd Wednesday Monthly
Location: Hubberston and Hakin Community Centre, Church Road, Milford Haven, SA73 2PL
During our online session we will be discussing arthritis and healthy eating using the Eat Well Guide, reasons why we may eat such as pain and discuss coping strategies. We will discuss realistic weight loss expectations and alternative diets including the Mediterranean diet.
The form of Tai Chi delivered at these sessions is called Shibashi Qigong. “Shibashi" means eighteen and Shibashi Qigong is a wonderful set of 18 Qigong exercises practised as a whole for maintaining all round good health and wellbeing. The movements are simple, gentle and flowing, and a joy to practise. This includes looking at posture, breathing techniques and mindfulness.
The Group meets weekly on a Thursday.
11am - 12pm
Location: Celf o Gwmpus, Centre Celf, Tremont Road, Llandrindod Wells, LD1 5EB
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
When: Every second Thursday of the month Time:1.00 pm – 2.30 pm
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
Location: Llanfechain Memorial Hall, Llanfechain, Powys SY22 6UQ
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
Location: The Hanging Gardens, Llanidloes, SY18 6BS
Join Our New Versus Arthritis Activity Group! Starting September 2024, Versus Arthritis is launching a new activity group, meeting once a month. Enjoy Tai Chi, engaging activities, support, or simply a friendly chat – and it's completely FREE! This group is perfect for anyone with arthritis or a musculoskeletal condition. We look forward to welcoming you!
This group meets monthly, every 4th Wednesday of the month
Location: Llanishen Baptist Church Fidlas Rd, Llanishen Cardiff, CF14 5LZ
When: Tuesdays, every fortnight Time: 3.30pm - 5.00pm
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to.
Location: Montgomery Activity Centre, School Lane, Montgomery, Powys, SY15 6PU
When: The group meets on Friday, every four weeks (see dates below)
Time: 1.30 pm - 3.30 pm
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
2024 dates
12 January 9 February 8 March 5 April 3 May 31 May 28 June 26 July 20 September 18 October 15 November 13 December
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
Location: The United Reform Church, Colwyn Avenue, Rhos-on-Sea, Conwy, LL28 4RA
"This support group is relevant for anyone who has an arthritic or MSK Condition. We meet once a month for activities, support or just to have a chat and it’s FREE to attend!
For more information or to make an enquiry: walessupport@versusarthritis.org
2nd Monday monthly
Location: Rhymney Library, Victoria Road, Rhymney NP22 5NU
This is a seated class and is led by a Tai Chi trained volunteer. Join us from the comfort of your own home. Together we can beat arthritis. Contact us for more information. Online practice class for Shibashi Set 1
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
Location: Offices of Grow Cymru, Unit 12, St David's Shopping Centre, Swansea, SA1 3LG
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
Come and join our support group in Welshpool. Here’s what we’re planning…
Sept 20th Arts & Crafts Session – Join us for a lovely creative arts and crafts session where we look into how craft helps manage pain whilst doing some lovely arts& crafts. Feel free to bring your own craft supplies or just use ours!
Oct 18th Fun Games – Come and have a go at various fun light-hearted games – we can’t promise prizes but there’s sure to be laughter!
Nov 15th Seated Tai Chi – Join us a session in Shibashi a gentle movement set of Tai Chi based moves suitable for all abilities as completed sitting down.
Dec 20th Seasonal Music Session – Join us for a Christmas sing along with live musician from the fantastic Music Anywhere, who will help you to see how music is good for the mind, body and soul.
Dates: 3rd Friday of the month
Times: 10:30am-12.30pm
Location: The Ann Holloway Day Care Centre, Salop Road, Welshpool, SY21 7EA (Next to the community hospital)
This activity group is relevant for anyone who has an arthritic or MSK Condition. We meet once a week for Tai Chi, activities, support or just to have a chat and it's FREE to attend! Contact Wales Support for more information or come along to the next group meeting. We look forward to meeting you!
Every Wednesday from 25th September
2pm - 3.30pm
Bob dydd dydd Mercher Medi 25th
2yp - 3.30yp
Location: Whitland Memorial Hall, Market Street, Whitland, Carmarthenshire SA34 OQB
Date: Meets every Wednesday Time: 10.30 am - 11.30 am
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.
Location: Garden Village Hall, Kenyon Road, Wrexham, LL11 2ST
Our peer support meetings are open to anyone with arthritis, MSK or related conditions e.g. fibromyalgia, lupus and gout.
They provide an opportunity to share lived experiences of having a long-term condition and self-management tips, as well as participating in activities and talks on health and other subjects.
When: First Wednesday of each month Time: 11.00 am-12.30 pm
If this is your first visit to the group please contact walessupport@versusarthritis.org or telephone 0800 756 3970 to ensure that the group is meeting on the day you intend to go.