Our organisation
We’re 10 million people living with arthritis. We’re healthcare professionals, researchers, carers and supporters. All of us Versus Arthritis.
Meet Versus Arthritis
Our history
Arthritis Care and Arthritis Research UK joined forces so that we can achieve more for people with arthritis. Now we're Versus Arthritis.
Our annual accounts
Read our current and previous annual report and accounts to find out about our goals, achievements and important developments in finance and governance.
Our Trustees
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance, policy and work of Versus Arthritis ensuring we deliver charitable outcomes for people with arthritis
Our leadership team
Meet our leadership team. They make sure we're using our resources to make the biggest impact we can for people with arthritis.
Our strategy
Our organisational strategy for 2023-2028 sets out our vision towards a future free from arthritis.
Our values
Our values shape our charity and what we stand for at Versus Arthritis.
More about our work
Meet our teams
Our teams are structured across six directorates. All of our teams play an essential role in supporting our mission.
Diversity and Inclusion
Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect. We are committed to creating an organisational culture that is diverse and inclusive; a culture that nurtures and empowers every individual to flourish and reach their full potential.
How we spend your money
Your donations support research programmes that provide answers about causes of arthritis and result in better treatment for people.